Steer Clear of These 3 Common Client Pitfalls: A Guide for Virtual Assistants and Freelancers


Solo professional working in the office

Not every virtual assistant or freelance job is easy or straightforward. Some projects may begin smoothly, but as you progress, you might face challenges that feel overwhelming. The good news is that, although these problems may seem significant at the moment, many can be resolved quickly and efficiently once you understand the best approach to take. This post will examine three common pitfalls and provide strategies for avoiding them.

Pitfall #1: Not Getting Materials

A common challenge for Virtual Assistants (VAs) and freelancers (independent contractors) is not receiving the necessary materials from their clients. These materials may include logos, written content, login information, access to project management tools, CRM systems, and other relevant software.

To address this issue, it's best to send a concise message to your client informing them that an additional fee will be incurred due to the lack of required resources. In your email, be sure to provide a clear deadline. For example, you might say, "If I do not receive XYZ from you within the next week, an additional charge of $XX will apply." Most clients will promptly locate the files you need once they receive this notification.

Pitfall #2: Scope Creep

Scope creep is a significant challenge for virtual assistants (VAs) and freelancers. It occurs when a client requests additional work beyond what was initially agreed upon. 
  • For example, if you're designing a book cover for a client and she asks you to create bookmarks featuring the same cover, this is scope creep.
  • Scope creep can be a significant challenge in social media management projects. A client might continuously add new objectives, like increasing engagement on multiple platforms or adding new content types.
It's important to remember that you have the power to renegotiate. Most clients aren't trying to take advantage of you; they often don't realize how much extra time and effort these added tasks will require. By communicating openly and renegotiating, you can effectively manage scope creep and maintain control over your workload.

Clear and assertive communication is key to managing scope creep. Let your client know that once the cover is completed, you would be happy to take on a new project for the bookmarks. This approach not only sets clear boundaries but also shows your client that you are professional and confident in your work.

Pitfall #3: Extensive Revision Requests

Your client may praise your work on Tuesday but then ask for multiple extensive revisions on Wednesday. This situation is common when working on a project that requires approval from several stakeholders. For instance, the marketing manager might love your graphics, while the sales team leader wants to change the colors or suggest different fonts.

You can manage revision requests by communicating clearly with your client. Let them know that the first round of revisions is included in the initial fee, but after that, there will be a charge of $XX for each additional hour of work. When clients understand that further revisions may incur extra costs, they tend to limit their requests.

As a new virtual assistant freelancer, you might think you should offer free, unlimited revisions, which could lead to problems. If you do, you risk working on the same project for months or even years without being paid, as you'll be waiting for the project to conclude. If a client feels strongly about a particular revision, they will likely agree to pay your additional rate without complaint. A good client recognizes the value of your time and will not take advantage of your skills. 

Final Thoughts

Remember, as a virtual assistant or freelancer, you can advocate for yourself. Most issues that arise can be resolved through a simple conversation, whether via email or phone. With this knowledge, you can confidently assert your needs and maintain professional relationships with your clients. 


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