5 Tips to Optimize Your Emails for Conversions


Working on email marketing

What do you do if your email list and lead magnet are up and running, but you’re not getting the conversions you were hoping for? If you’re not seeing the expected results, here are a few tips you can try to boost your email conversions.

1. Try sending out messages at different times.

Every audience has a particular time of day when they’re most responsive — you need to determine the best time for your audience. Experiment by sending messages in the evenings, on the weekends, or during lunch hours when people are most likely to be looking at their email. Mix it up and see which times of day and days of the week get the most response.

2. Another strategy you can try is experimenting with subject lines.

When writing your email marketing subject line, consider the message type. An essential step in writing the best email marketing subject lines is considering message types. Will this email be a welcome message, a follow-up to a networking event, content promotion, a post-purchase email, or are you asking for something? Subject lines should be short and clear. Remember that your subscribers are scanning their email inboxes, and your message might not stand out among the dozens of emails they receive in a day.

3. Another factor is email length. Your emails might be too long.

Emal length matters and different types of emails should have different lengths. If your messages are too long, your subscribers won’t read them and won’t take the action you want them to take at the end. Try writing shorter, punchier messages and placing your call-to-action early in the email.

4. Another way to increase conversions is to add a sense of urgency. 

When you make an offer or have an action you want the subscriber to take, tell them this opportunity is only for a limited time or set a specific deadline. Choose time-sensitive words and phrases and ask the reader to act immediately.

5. Try segmenting your list. 

Segmenting your list requires a little extra work. You can further divide your list into different categories and send specific content tailored to each group. Research by MailChimp shows the effects of list segmentation on email marketing statistics. Useful ways to segment your email lists include sign-up date, location, subscriber activity, and interests.

Check out your autoresponder and see what features it offers for segmenting. Use the metrics provided to help you identify what gets the most response.

Final Thought

Optimizing for conversions doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Know what elements to pay attention to and optimize them to increase your click-through and conversion rates.

Thank you for reading! 

Photo by Mailchimp on Unsplash


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