Working Location Independent - Is It Right for You?



Working location independent sounds ideal to many people; however, it's not suitable for everyone. Location independence is a working style that isn't tied down to a physical location. For example, a location independent worker may work at home or traveling around the world as a digital nomad. This article looks at some pros and cons of working remotely to help you decide if it's right for you. 

Pro: Location Independence Can Save Money

Location independence is a cost-effective way to work. As a business owner or freelancer, you don't need to invest in a workspace or pay additional utility bills. Your office is at home, at the beach, or wherever you want to work. If you're working for others, you don't have all the expenses associated with commuting to work. You can relocate to a state with a lower cost of living or to a country with a favorable exchange rate where your earnings go further.

Pro: You Have the Freedom to Travel

One of the biggest advantages of working location independent is its freedom and flexibility. You are not tied to one place and can travel and work anywhere with just a computer and Wi-Fi connection. You can be an entrepreneur who manages your business from exotic locales. Or, you can work at home and not have to endure the commute and the hassles of the office.

Pro: More Control Over Work-Life Balance

Working location independent lends itself well to a good work-life balance since you are not physically connected to your work. If you work at home, you can spend more time with family and have more time to enjoy the things you love doing. You can work while traveling or if you or you want to relocate, you can pick up and move without quitting your job.

Con: Location Independence Requires Discipline

Working on your own requires tremendous discipline. Since you don't have a boss or coworkers to help you stay on track, you run the risk of blowing off work, which is especially alluring if you're living by the beach somewhere. You will have a whole new world of potential distractions. Also, businesses need to grow, so you will be responsible for planning your long-term strategy.

Con: Work Creep

Location independence can be good for your work-life balance but can also be deadly for it. It's easy to blur your business and professional life when you work remotely. New remote workers tend to spend too much time on work and neglect their personal life. If you intend to work this way, you'll have to develop some strategies to help you maintain balance.

Con: Tech Pains

Technology enables us to live and work anywhere easily, but it can also present some hurdles. Your employer takes care of the internet, equipment, supplies, and expenses for you. However, if you are going to work remotely, you will have to supply your own hardware, accessories, office supplies, backups, batteries, and internet connection.

Final Thought

How does location independence sound to you? Even if you believe it's the right thing to do, keep in mind the disadvantages and develop some strategies to combat them. Of course, working location independent presents its own challenges, but many who do work remotely find that the pros far outweigh the cons.

Thank you for reading! 

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash ... 


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