Be honest: when you read an email from a stranger, what's the first thing you notice? Most likely, it's their email address. And though we might not consciously realize it, it's all too easy to write off someone—even before they've had the chance to wow us—if their email address reads like a 16-year-old's Gmail address. A professional email address, on the other hand, can reflect an air of maturity, credibility, and trustworthiness. It's time to take control of your professional identity and show the world that you mean business! Using your personal email to communicate with clients, colleagues, employers, customers, and vendors can project an image of amateurism or unprofessionalism—both less than ideal when seeking to establish yourself in the business world. Still don't see what's the big deal with using your "" address for work tasks? Consider the following seven reasons why it's time to upgrade your email...